I've been using this product for years and it has done a wonderful job raising my levels of Vitamin D per laboratory testing. Recently, Biotics Research made the questionable decision to change their familiar label at the same time changing from widely recognized IU to MCG. I have no idea why they did this and some people are upset by the change, however 2000 IU is the same as 50 mcg. I put the drops side by side. They look identical and taste identical as far as I could tell. I've been taking it for years and nothing seemed amiss in the taste to me. As far as not it is only 250% RDA rather than the former 500% RDA, I can only assume that is a change of recommended dosage by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and not necessarily a decision controlled by Biotics Research? My main concern is that in the confusion of all these simultaneous changes, someone would take more drops than recommended and wind up with Vitamin D toxicity. Hopefully that doesn't happen. I will continue to use this product and follow up with blood tests to be sure it's still keeping my levels in the range I would like because it's been more effective than any other D supplement I've tried.